Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Morning Ag Clips 8/20/14

Click on the link below, pick on article to read, actually read it, and then write a MINIMUM of 3-4 sentences(at least 50 words) summarizing what you read.  

Be prepared to share your thoughts during class as well.  


  1. New training on herbicide resistance

    There are weeds that are now resistant to the chemicals that are usually used to kill them off. Colleges and Universities are studying why the chemicals are no longer affecting the weeds. They say that a new chemical may need to be developed to kill them off. Weeds are lowering yields and killing off crops.

  2. People bought a house and it had a broken pool. They didn't want to fix it so they turned it into a Garden Pool. It is a incredibly prolific closed-loop ecosytem. Growing broccoli, sweet potatoes, sorghum, wheat, chickens, tilapia, algae, and duckweed all interacting symbiotically to provide enough food to feed a family of five.

  3. more kids taking ag in nebraska: No this is important because nebraska is based on ag. Kids in this area of the united states should be taking ag. kids taking ag could help the state of nebraska keep its agriculture atop the leading states in corn production and ect.

  4. I read the article about the pool garden. It was about a broken pool that was converted into a garden with a plastic cap. They researched on the internet a lot, until they were able to perfect their cap on the garden. They grow everything they need to eat in this pool garden.

  5. I learned that on shark week they enjoy dressing up there cats and babies as SHARKS!!!! They didn't think it was funny enough to just do a cat so they had to add the baby for more excitement. They decided to use a VACUUM which is pretty clever. The cat went across the kitchen floor.

  6. Hemp plant sprouts rebirth across nation

    Hemp is a cousin of Marijuana. It is used to make clothes oils, and many other products. It has been outlawed since the 1970s. Kentucky has been trying to get it back as a major crop. They have been planting testing areas around the state to get it back.

  7. I read about sawfly. It is becoming one of the most serious wheat pests in Nebraska in recent years. During the winter it Larvaes in wheat stubble then attacks the plants during the may to july period.

  8. In America there are well over million of workers but one problem is the fact is over 20,000 U.S. farms employ more than 435,000 immigrant workers legally every year, according to 2012 U.S. Department of Agriculture census data.And they dont even know if that is all the numbers of it because some are more secretive then others.which is rather bad because of the illegal people coming to america and taking jobs that most people dont like but still its very bad to do that
    Immigration crisis at border afflicts heartland harvest

  9. So pretty much there is a cat riding around on a broomba. the cat was a internet star of some sorts. He was pretty much running into a baby that was also wearing a shark costume. the baby was unmoved by the cat on the broomba.

  10. Shark Cat- In this video there is a cat wearing a shark suit and riding on a broomba. There is also a baby in a shark suit watching the cat. In the article it says to watch how the baby reacts to the cat, but the bay just mostly sits there and does nothing. Overall the video is fairly boring.

  11. I think its a good thing that our Ag programs around Nebraska are growing. It is better that we have more kids joining Ag. This way our Nebraska FFA program as a whole will rise above the others. I like the idea of that because our state needs Ag as it will benefit many things.

  12. I read the article about the pool being used to grow plants. I think that is great way to re use the things you have. It grew enough food to feed a family of five. They grew broccoli, sweet potatoes, sorghum, and wheat. Within a year it had cut the families food bill in up to 3 quarters. Within 5 years it became a community thing helping people.
