Monday, December 15, 2014

Tuesday 12/16/14 QOTD (15 word min)

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." Winston Churchill


  1. If you have people that you don't particularly like (or you just flat hate them) then that means that they said something that went against your beliefs and you stood against them and stated that you believe they are wrong.

  2. If you never have any enemies that means, that you're not living like you want to, and you always try to please everyone else. Don't worry what others think.

  3. If you don't have enemies you are a suck up. Its ok not to agree with someone. Have your own opinion.

  4. If you dont have enemies you didn't do anything to make yourself better because there will be people mad at you if you are better than them

  5. You have to stand up for yourself sometime in your life even if it means losing people you thought were close to you.

  6. If you truly believe in something, then you will stand up for it no matter the consequences.

  7. if you stand up for something or someone there is always bound to be opposition.

  8. If you have enemies that means you are standing up for what you believe in whats right. If people have a problem with it that means they don't really accept you for who you are and aren't really worth the trouble

  9. it you really believe in something you will do anything to show that you believe in what ever it is you believe in

  10. Means if you don't stand up for what you want then you will be a follower but if you're the type of person to step up and say what you think then you're standing up for what you want

  11. If you have enemies, you actually stand up for yourself. People don't like it then they don't really like you for who you are. If they don't like you for being yourself then that is their problem, you don't need to worry about them.

  12. The more people that you don't get along with the better. These are are the people that will challenge you to accomplish your goal. Each person also stands for something that you believe in because you have the exact opposite goal or opinion.

  13. leaving life peacefully isn't always the answer. WAR IS THE ANSWER! (thats a joke)
