Monday, March 16, 2015

3/19/15 QOTD (15 word min)

Being perfect is about being able to look your friends in the eye and know that you didn't let them down. -"Friday Night Lights"


  1. Try as hard as you can, so you know you didn't let yourself or anyone else down.

  2. giving your best is the closest thing you can get to perfect. Try at whatever you do.

  3. Never let your friends down, always try your hardest and make them and yourself happy.

  4. Try your best so you don't let yourself or anyone down.

  5. When someone needs you to be a good person and do the right thing, and you don't you're basically admitting that you don't have a good character.

  6. The only thing you can be perfect at is sports but by getting the perfection you have to realize that your friends and family is part of it

  7. There is no such things as perfect but the closest you can be is dedicated to what you love and the people you love.

  8. you should be able to look into a mans eyes and believe him instantly. why would you not want to trust a man youre close to anyway

  9. you should be able to look into a mans eyes and believe him instantly. why would you not want to trust a man youre close to anyway

  10. you need to try your hardest to to make you and people around you proud

  11. You need to be trying you hardest when you are working with someone else so when you finish you can actually say you have tried your hardest.
