Monday, January 19, 2015

Thursday 1/22/15 QOTD (15 word min)

 Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or a year, but eventually it will subside and greatness will come. Quitting, however,lasts forever.


  1. Sweat dies, bones heal, blood clots, scars show character but victory will last forever. When you give up you will have to live with what you have given up to not have to do what was at hand.

  2. You have to try your hardest. You may get hurt and what not but it will only make you better.

  3. If you quit, you will regret it forever, but you will never look back and regret working hard.

  4. Even if you are having difficulties in what you are doing, don't give up because it will get easier.

  5. If you push through the bad, then you will achieve greatness. If you just quit when things get bad, then you will never know what could have been.

  6. pain is temporary but if you accept the loss and quit your going to be that way forever

  7. When life knocks you down you can choose wether or not to get back up. If you stay on the ground and wallow in sorrow you will miss the best part of your life.

  8. do your best in whatever your doing even if it hurts it will be good in the long run

  9. Give it your all and if you die trying then at least you died trying

  10. never give up. if you fail just keeping trying until you get it right.

  11. just power through the pain and do what you need to do pain is for the weak and the very weak.

  12. Pain is short term success is forever.

  13. pain is short term it will go away but the feeling of success is eternal.
