Sunday, January 4, 2015

Tuesday 1/6/15 Case Study (50 word min)

The Case of the Overnight Guest

It has come to your attention that some female students in an on campus house have invited a homeless woman to live with them . While there are four bedrooms in the apartment, only three of them were occupied prior to their guest, Cindy, moving in about a week ago .

When confronted about it, the students tell you that they asked their roommates and everyone said it was a great opportunity to serve someone in need . They tell you that they are aware of the overnight guest policy and are more than willing to pay the $15 charge per night for housing her .

They have become good friends with Cindy and feel she is very close to finding a job and turning her life around . She just needed a little bit of help to get over the last few hurdles . They have been in contact with various homeless shelters in the area and have been able to find some long-term support for Cindy once the school year ends in a month . The students want Cindy to live with them through the end of the semester and don't see what the big deal is .

> What are some potential problems with this idea? > What would you do? 


  1. She could steal some of there things that they have or all of them. She could also steal money from them if they do not pay attention to it. She will make them lose money by eating there food and such. I would not let her stay. I could not trust her and I would be scared to let her stay with them.

  2. Since they really don't know who Cindy is. They could trust Cindy before they actually know her. She could harm them or steal for them. But if the girls feel they are doing the right thing and truly believe Cindy would do the right thing then I would let her stay.

  3. She might not be who she actually acts like, and just because you think she is just about to turn her life around, she might just take everything you've done for her for granted. She might just turn on you one day. If it was someone I really thought I could trust, I would probably let her stay since it is only one month left.

  4. Eventually she may expect this kind of behavior and just expect this treatment and have things paid for by other people. I think that it was nice of the girls to take her in and help her when she needed it but eventually that will not be an option.

  5. She is probably not the girl she acts like. She is probably fake. She will probably try stealing things when you are not looking or even take your money. I could not be able to trust her. If Cindy could show them that she could do the right thing, I might let her stay.

  6. They don't really know who Cindy is. She could very well be pretending to be homeless in order to take advantage of them. By the fact that she hasn't moved out and the semester is already over is maybe that she is still taking advantage of her newfound acquaintances. This to me is not a good idea for anyone to do.

  7. If she does not find a job, then she could continue mooching on the students. She may just act like a friend so that she can maintain shelter and a way of food. I feel like what the kids are doing is really great, and I wouldn't mind what they were doing as long as they are extremely careful.

  8. You never know who she could be. she could be someone just doing this to steal from you for a while. Even though you have become friends you cant allow this for much longer. If she was grateful she would be out of there in no time.

  9. Well if they arent supposed to have guest over night it is probablly not a good idea to let the homeless women stay. Even though you want to help someone in need you need to follow the policy. You can always help her fill out applications for jobs but you need to follow the policy of the school.

  10. if there not supposed to have people over night it most likely is not a good idea to let the homeless women stay. even if you want to help a person out thats in need you still probably should fallow your policy.

  11. It is very important to follow the policy closely. You can't just make an exception for this woman because she is homeless. On the other hand this is a person in need, and the girls have offered to pay the required $15 a night for her to stay. Its for one more, so its probably not a big deal. The main issue is if they don't follow the rules and pay the money, or if she's a psychopathic killer.

  12. I think that some of the problems with this would be that the lady could end up stealing things from the girls. But on the other hand they are also giving her a chance and helping someone in need out. So it is a tough call to make. I think that you let her stay but then if she does anything funny you kick her out because after all the girls did say they would pay for her boarding so money wont be an issue.
