Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday 9/29/14 Morning Ag Clips (50 word minimum responses)

CLICK ON THE LINK, read one Morning Ag clips article and write your response/reaction to it.  

Thursday 10/2/14 QOTD (15 word minimum response required)

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." ~ Winston Churchill 

Friday 10/3/14 Morning Ag Clips 2nd Article (50 word minimum response required)

CLICK THE LINK and pick a DIFFERENT article then you pick for Monday's post, read the article and share your thoughts.  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


By responding to this post with a QUALITY response, you will have the opportunity to earn some credit back on missed weekly blog posts from past weeks with a maximum of 10 points being added to your weekly blog post grades from 1st quarter.  These responses must be completed by this Friday, 9/26 in order to be considered for bonus or extra credit.  IF you are wanting significant bonus points, plan on your response being AT LEAST 100 WORDS in length.  Please respond to any or all of the following questions,

What were your thoughts on Ag Career Day in York?  
What 3 sessions did you attend and what did you learn from each of the sessions you attended?
Who was the keynote speaker?  
What were some of the key points that the speaker had?  
What were your overall thoughts on Career Day?  
Would you want to go again?  
What changes would you make to improve the experience?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday/Tuesday 9/22-23 Case Study (50 word minimum response)

The Case of the Dropping GPA

Tyrone and Floyd were assigned to live together and met for the first time when they moved into their residence hall . Floyd received an academic scholarship and was given a full tuition waiver as long as he maintained a 3 .5 grade point average . Tyrone was a reasonably good student in high school, but not nearly the caliber of student that Floyd was .Instead,Tyrone excelled as an athlete and was voted the most popular guy in his senior class . He has a very active social life and quickly became well liked by everyone on the floor .

Floyd admired Tyrone, and although he was reasonably good looking, he lacked the social confidence and poise which seemed to come so naturally to Tyrone . Because of Tyrone's popularity on the floor, their room became the place to hang out . There was always someone in their room talking, watching a movie, or playing video games . At least once a week, Floyd found himself sleeping in either the lounge or someone else's room because the activities seldom broke up before 3:00 AM .

Although Floyd realized that all of this activity was detracting from his schoolwork, he likes Tyrone and the other men on the floor . He wanted to be a part of the group and enjoyed the attention he got from the people who were constantly in and out of his room . This experience had positive benefits for Floyd as he felt more self- confident, was more comfortable in groups, and was able to connect with a lot more friends than he would have on his own . Floyd had even been on several double dates with Tyrone and his girlfriend, and was beginning to develop a relationship with one woman in particular .

Midterm grades were sent home to the parents of Floyd and Tyrone . Both men had a 2 .75 GPA, which was fine with Tyrone and his parents because they knew his strengths weren't necessarily in the classroom . Floyd's parents, however, were very concerned by the report . They realized that Floyd would lose his scholarship if his grades did not improve . They called the school and your supervisor wants a recommendation on what to do, if anything, about Floyd, his new life-style, and Tyrone .

> What would you do? (make sure your response is a minimum of 50 words)

Wednesday 9/24/14 QOTD (15 Word minimum)

'When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at it.. they'll tell you.  - Dwayne Johnson

Thursday 9/25/14 QOTD (15 word minimum)

The secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of your team members or workers better. - Dr. Tim Elmore

Friday 9/26/14 QOTD (min of 15 words)

Some quit due to slow progress. Never grasping the fact that slow progress... Is progress itself.  - C Keller

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Monday 9/15/14 Morning Ag Clips

Click HERE to get to the Morning Ag Clips.  Choose one article to read and then post your response (50 word minimum) to the blog.  Make sure to include the title of your article in your response.  

Tuesday 9/16/14 QOTD (15 words)

You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars. -Henry Ford

Wednesday 9/17/14 QOTD (15 words)

"Everyone wants to be successful. But very few are willing to make the effort and the sacrifices to become successful." - Alan Stein

Thursday 9/18/14 QOTD (15 Words)

Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured. -Mark Twain

Friday 9/19/14 Morning Ag Clips

After selecting and reading one article, write your 50 word response on the blog.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday, 9/8/14 QOTD

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. - Will Rogers

(Reminder:  QOTD's require a 15 word MINIMUM response.)

Tuesday, 9/9/14 Case Study (remember: 50 word minimum response)

The Case of the Sketchy T-Shirt
You enjoy your leadership position and have been able to spend quality time with almost every person on your residence hall floor . There is one student in particular who hasn't seemed very interested in hanging out with you, but you've finally convinced them to attend an event you planned for Wednesday night about Bystander Intervention, regarding instances of sexual violence . When they show up, you notice they're wearing a sexually suggestive, and potentially offensive t-shirt .
You know the shirt is sexually suggestive, totally inappropriate for the event, and out of dress code, but if you tell them to go and change, they probably will not come back . It will be like starting to build that relationship all over again . Only this time, you think they will be even less likely to open up to you in the future .
> What would you do?
> How do you resolve the conflict between individual freedom and the needs of the community? 

Wednesday, 9/10/14 QOTD

"Read to lead in order to succeed." 
― Habeeb Akande

Thursday 9/11/14 QOTD

"If you don't invest very much, then defeat doesn't hurt very much and winning is not very exciting." - Dick Vermeil

Friday, 9/12/14

Write a 50 word minimum answer to the following question, 

How does Agriculture affect me?  

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, 9/2/14 QOTD

Children have a much better chance of growing up if their parents have done so first. -Susan Peters


Wednesday, 9/3/14 Case Study

The Case of the Unsatisfied Student Leader

A few days ago, one of your Student Activities leaders, Carol, came up to you and presented the idea of hosting a Spring Formal dance . While you love her enthusiasm, you tried to explain to her why it wasn't such a good idea this year . You have helped to plan these events in the past and have seen the attendance slowly decline over the years . Your student leaders decided last year to take a few years off so the student body could get excited about it again .

Not being one to take "no" for an answer, Carol went to the President of the school because he has always seemed like someone who wanted to be open and accessible to the student body . She asked him what he thought about it and he loved the idea and told her to go ahead with it . He said he couldn't understand why it was ever decided to stop planning the event in the first place, and he even offered to provide some discretionary funding to make it a success .

Carol stopped by this morning and told you about the President's decision . She tried to be respectful, and said, "I know you told me not to, but I really think this is a great idea . I totally respect you, but I really just feel that the campus needs this to happen . You don't need to attend, and I promise not to bother you with any of the planning details ."

> What would you do?
> How would this affect your relationship with Carol? 


Thursday, 9/4/14 QOTD

Greatness is not a switch you can flip on or off. You have to earn it everyday to be something special. Lots talk about it. Very few are about it.

Friday, 9/5/14 Share Your Goals!

It is important for ALL people to have goals.  It is even more important to share your goals with others that can help hold you accountable.  Today's post is about goals.  

List 3 Goals that you have for yourself to accomplish during this school year.  These goals can be academic goals that you have, they may be for athletics or activities you are involved in, work related, family related, or anything else.  You need to list at least 3 goals that you have set for yourself and one sentence for each goal on how you plan to "make it happen"!  

Keep in mind that these will be shared in class so make sure they are goals that you want others to know about.  Some personal goals should probably be kept personal for your own protection.