Monday, September 8, 2014

Friday, 9/12/14

Write a 50 word minimum answer to the following question, 

How does Agriculture affect me?  


  1. Agriculture allows me to eat very healthy and nutritious foods. I get the experience of picking the corn sometimes and helping my dad in the garden. just kidding I never help him in the garden. I get to help others learn about agriculture also. It helps you become a leader.

  2. It helps me learn about all the different things, such as crops and livestock. I can judge how good the land is. I can also judge how big or how good the livestock really are. I can teach other people about agriculture too. I also get to participate in different things and meet new people.

  3. If there was no agriculture I wouldn't have a house, and it is how my dad makes a living. I help my dad in the summer with farming, so I know that it is important. It gives me food to eat. Ag is important to the whole country.

  4. If there was no agriculture I wouldn't have as many things i am fortunate to have.Agriculture is the reason why people in the economy dont go hungry, I know this is important. It gives me food to eat, it built my house, and its the reason why the U.S.A is such and amazing country. Ag is important to the whole country

  5. If there was no agriculture I wouldn't be where I am at now. Most of all of my close family farms to make their living. We wouldn't be able to eat the food we do because most things have some sort of crop in them.

  6. In Nebraska, agriculture is everywhere. You look around and see fields of corn and other crops everywhere. We also eat the crops that are made through agriculture. It helps us in our everyday activities.

  7. ag is very important to keep us up to date with what we need to know about our natural environment ag is one of the more Nebraska oriented classes we should learn about in school. i think without ag there would be many deprived farmers and not enough people entering the agricultural fields.

  8. I think that agriculture doesn't just affect me it is part of me because I it what I do by raising cattle. It is also how my family and I make a living. Agriculture provides food and almost everything else that make life possible. Agriculture is not just a concept it is a way of life.

  9. Agriculture affects me because it helps me find a job wether its farming or even helping the people get there farm stuff to work as agriculture is every where in life and itd will help me become a better worker as well

  10. Agriculture affects me because it determines how much certain food cost and different jobs that are available. It also provides jobs to people and helps people to support their families. Agriculture affects people some way or another. It helps you learn about certain animals and the products that you can buy at a shopping center.

  11. Agriculture affects me because without it I wouldn't have a summer job. It also affects me because my moms parents and her brother are farmers and rely on agriculture for money. This is how ag affects me and my family.

  12. agriculture is how i get my food, so i really like agriculture. it also is important for land preservation. farmers work very hard to preserve the land that they farm, so the more farming the better the land is.

  13. if there was no agriculture there would be a lot less food and jobs. there are a lot of people that rely on farming for there main income. and then the rest of the world relies on them to grow the food for us and animals so that way we can eat the produce and the animals that eat the crops

  14. Ag affects me because I always use those skills to help others. Such as helping my brother in law on the farm or helping my grandpa when he was a farmer. I love Ag and I feel that if American didn't have it our economy would not work like it does.
