Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wednesday, 9/3/14 Case Study

The Case of the Unsatisfied Student Leader

A few days ago, one of your Student Activities leaders, Carol, came up to you and presented the idea of hosting a Spring Formal dance . While you love her enthusiasm, you tried to explain to her why it wasn't such a good idea this year . You have helped to plan these events in the past and have seen the attendance slowly decline over the years . Your student leaders decided last year to take a few years off so the student body could get excited about it again .

Not being one to take "no" for an answer, Carol went to the President of the school because he has always seemed like someone who wanted to be open and accessible to the student body . She asked him what he thought about it and he loved the idea and told her to go ahead with it . He said he couldn't understand why it was ever decided to stop planning the event in the first place, and he even offered to provide some discretionary funding to make it a success .

Carol stopped by this morning and told you about the President's decision . She tried to be respectful, and said, "I know you told me not to, but I really think this is a great idea . I totally respect you, but I really just feel that the campus needs this to happen . You don't need to attend, and I promise not to bother you with any of the planning details ."

> What would you do?
> How would this affect your relationship with Carol? 



  1. I would allow her to talk to the student body or whatever she is talking to. If it doesn't work out then she knows that they should not have a dance. And if she plans it and no one goes than that is her fault and she will know better than to plan one again. My relationship would be fine because it isnt just one persons opinion on the whole thing. She would be allowed to ask more than one person there opinion on it.

  2. I would respect that she came and talked to me about it, instead of asking the President and going behind my back, but I would probably not be happy that both of them disagreed with me. I would probably be mad at Carol for asking me and then asking the President because she didn't like my answer.

  3. I would let her talk to the people and let her plan it. I wouldn't care, if it works out then that will be great, but if barely anyone shows up that she will know not to have one again in the future. Our relationship would be fine because if I was her and one person told me no, I would ask other people too. You can ask more than one person for advice.

  4. I would let her go ahead with it since the president told her that it was ok. She already got funding for the dance from the president as well. She said that I wouldn't have to help plan it and that she would take care of it. If they think it sounds like a good idea they could always have the student body take a vote too.

  5. I would tell her that its still okay to do as she wants. It wasn't my decision to plan it and just because I don't think it would be a good idea doesn't mean other people wont. I would be just one person who thinks that. I think our relationship would be fine because it just an opinon and everyone has one of them

  6. I would allow her to talk to the student body or whatever she is talking to.It wasn't my decision to plan it and just because I don't think it would be a good idea doesn't mean other people wont.

  7. I would probably confront to find out why she wen behind my back after I told her it was a bad idea. There is a reason for not having the dance right now. I don't like it when people go behind my back just to get what they what. One day it will all catch up to them.

  8. I would pry be a little offended and talk to her to ask her if she could not be disrespectful like that. I think I would maybe not give much attention to her anymore.

  9. I think she could've not done that because it was really sneaky and underhanded. I wouldn't let it bother me a lot because it is just a stupid dance. If kids don't show up they will know why and will know that I was right and should've listened to me.

  10. I think the student body should have the choice. the student body is what counts. One student shouldnt be allowed to decide for the whole school. I would confront her and tell her that if the student body doesnt like the idea then she will be the one getting blamed

  11. I would tell her that its still okay to do as she wants. It wasn't my decision to plan it and just because I don't think it would be a good idea doesn't mean other people wont. I would be just one person who thinks that. I think our relationship would be fine because it just an opinon and everyone has one of them

  12. i think that everyone should have a choice. i would go and tell her that we as a whole that we are not going to back or support her.
