Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday 9/24/14 QOTD (15 Word minimum)

'When you're good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at it.. they'll tell you.  - Dwayne Johnson


  1. You don't need to tell everyone that you are good at something. It shouldn't matter what they think, you should just always try your best .

  2. Be humble in everything you do. No one likes a bigger talker and then it looks bad when you find someone better.

  3. make sure you give everything your all. You dont need all the fame and glory to do your best.

  4. You have to allow other people to tell you that you are good instead of you telling people that you think you are good.

  5. If you are good at something, don't brag, just let others recognize you for it.

  6. always do your best. who cares what others think.

  7. means that if your good continue at what your good at as eventually people would see that and tell people it and word spreads fast of how good you could be

  8. When you think that you are good at something then you will tell everyone, but once you actually become good at it then they will tell you.

  9. its good to know when your good but sometimes even you don't see your best qualities.

  10. I think this means if you are good at something you are going to be telling everyone. But once you have actually reached your full potential everyone is telling you.

  11. sometimes if your good at something you dont even realize how good you are at it

  12. when you are good at something you dont realize how good until someone tells you

  13. You may think you are good but you are nothing special to anybody unless they see it too.
