Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday 11/3/14 Case Study (50 Word Minimum)

The Case of the Inadequate Planning

A group of students decide to hold a benefit concert for a local charity, which will need to close its doors if it doesn't receive enough funding .They go through the work of reserving space, inviting members of the President's cabinet, and placing posters around campus and in the community . Many churches are excited about the event and plan on bringing their youth groups to it . The charity is very excited by the concert because it will keep their doors open, the students are excited because they are able to help make a significant difference in the community, and the administration is happy because it's great publicity for the school; everybody wins .

One week before the concert, it is abundantly clear that the students did not make adequate arrangements for lighting, sound systems, or security . Unless more sound and lighting are reserved before the event, the concert will be a disaster and without enough security, the safety of those who attend could be in question . Your repeated and increasingly urgent reminders have gone unanswered because the students think you're just overreacting .

> What would you do?
> At what point would it become necessary to cancel the event? 


  1. I think that he is also just overreacting. Maybe just ask for more security so that there students are safe. Ask if anyone has extra speakers to use during the concert. It will still be a good concert because many people are doing this so that they can collect money for the charity. It would be necessary to cancel it right when he knew about it. Not 1 or 2 days before the concert.

  2. i would say that maybe he is overreacting, but i can see why he would become cooncerned. Teenagers have a tendancy to procrastinate until the very last second, but they usually find a way to get what needs to be done, done.On the opposite note i would say that if they don't have what is needed in two or three days you might consider canceling.

  3. I personally think the concert is going to be fine. If I was him I would just call and ask some people if they want to donate speakers for the concert. It would turn out to be a great concert because the students would be proud of themselves for doing this and a concert is a great way to help a charity.

  4. I would just ask older people to come and keep the students safe. Find other speakers to use. It would still be good no matter what because you are trying to collect money for the charity. If he knew there was all that wrong with the concert, he could've just canceled it.

  5. I would just ask people if they can help out with security and let us borrow Speakers for the night. Im pretty sure everything would work out fine because its all for a good cause. I would only cancel it if the show was for sure going to be a complete disaster.

  6. I think they are overreacting. They still have a week to get everything set up, just tell the kids that if they don't do anything to help, that you won't be able to have it. That will probably get more kids to help get stuff done to set the event up.

  7. I think they are right to be worried because they didn't get stuff done. I would officially shut everything down because they didnt try to get things done. I would then tell them that maybe we can open it back up next year if they try harder to get everything set up in time.

  8. I think it is an overreaction because he can always fix any of those little mistakes. I like that they can fix the problems easy because its dumb to overreact about those stupid little mistakes. I like that they have a problem they will be tested on how to solve it.

  9. Well if they are not planning for everything and they do not have what they need they need to have somebody else plan because they really don't really know what they are doing. I think that you could probably talk to different people to see if there is anything that they can do or somebody to help out

  10. Depending on what type of concert it will be he could be over reacting as it shouldnt get to wild as well as he could call people up and see if they could be security for the night which would take care of that and everything else could be done without i guess and i wouldnt cancel it as it has been scheduled most id do is postpone it until they get all that

  11. I think that he is over reacting. Even though they were not prepared teenagers have a tendency to procrastinate. Depending on the kind of concert the speakers dont have to be top notch, Alot of these mistakes could be fixed whitch is good.

  12. I would just ask people if they can help out with security and let us borrow Speakers for the night. Im pretty sure everything would work out fine because its all for a good cause. I would only cancel it if the show was for sure going to be a complete waste of time.
