Monday, October 6, 2014

Friday 10/10/14 Paraphrase the FFA Creed (50 words min)

Put into your own words, the first paragraph of the FFA Creed.  

Paragraph 1:

"I believe in the future of agriculture with a faith born not of words but of deeds - achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturalists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to use from the struggles of former years.  "


  1. Ag is a tradition that we are supposed to pass on to future generations, and we are showed this by the things that the passed generations have done. If you do good things, you will be rewarded by good things. You will have struggles in life, but it will only make you stronger.

  2. You have to do good deeds to achieve what you want done. Also that some things can be achieved in the present and past generations. If you have good days than you will succeed and have better things to enjoy. You can fix what you have done wrong in the past.

  3. ag is a huge tradition and will be passed on from generation to generation. life is agriculture based. On some days you will do better than other days because theres always going to be those days. So what this is trying to say is agriculture will always be a huge tradition

  4. Ag is a life lesson passed from generation to generation. With it is taught the characteristics of a good person and a great learner. If you have good days then you will succeed and do better than those who don't. You can also fix bad things if you mess up.

  5. Ag is big thing that is passed from generation to generation, not just by telling, but showing them what to do. They show us by all the things that they have accomplished. You will be rewarded for what you do, and if you did bad, you will just learn from it and make it better next time!

  6. Ag isn't something that is optional it is a way of life that is passed on from one generation to the next. There is improvement along with struggle and hardships but through everything we still pull through.

  7. Ag doesn't come easy. You have to work hard and understand that you will fail. You need to understand that there will be times when you fail. Don't give up look to the future and how you will benefit the future of agriculture by doing what you do best.

  8. Ag is something we pass down. Its hard to work for and somethings dont always go your way. Thats why you always keep trying and accept failure and move on from it.

  9. Agriculture is something that is passed from generation to generation. you work really hard at it, but sometimes it doesnt work the way you planned. So you need try your best, and be prepared for failure but not dwell on it.

  10. it is something that is passed down from generation. you may work your hardest at whatever your doin but it may not always work out the way you want it to.
