Monday, October 27, 2014

Thursday 10/30/14 QOTD 15 word minimum

Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings. ~C.D. Jackson 


  1. need to get a plan to fall back on as it could be your true dream job in life or idea

  2. Have a goal and work toward reaching it, but always have a backup plan in case things don't go as planned.

  3. You have to plan your ideas because you may forget a beginning middle or end along the way and not be successful

  4. You need to go threw with some of the good ideas you have. Because if you don't your never going to get anywhere with the things you want to do.

  5. Well if you do a great job but never finish it your chances of failing increase

  6. You have to plan your ideas out. For example, in volleyball you can't just think you are going to do something and know it is going to end well without practicing.

  7. Things don't always go your way sometimes your ideas crash and burn. While some ideas are very successful.

  8. things don't always go the way you planned so always have a contingency plan for when that happens

  9. If you have a good idea be prepared in case it gets shot down by other people.

  10. it takes time to get a good idea. it wont just come to you over night a good thing takes time to think about

  11. Great ideas nee something to fall back on incase of failure you cant stay in the air the whole time.
