Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Friday 10/17/14 QOTD (15 word minimum response)

Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss that which insults your soul.

Walt Whitman


  1. Use constructive criticism as motivation to do your best, and don't take negative criticism.

  2. Listen to the positive things people are telling you, focus on making yourself better and disregard anything that brings you down.

  3. You need to focus on what's important no matter what happens. It's only as bad as you make it seem. Keep your head up!

  4. Don't let someone else tell you how to work unless it is positive. Dont let someone bring you down

  5. Take in all the good but get rid of things that can cause you to be a bad soul or apple as it leads you no where but trouble if you keep it

  6. Only take in the good things that people have to say, if it is negative, don't let it bother you and just move on.

  7. Dont take insults to your soul. take the insults and turn them into something better in your life.

  8. What you been told never really matters in less you take it to heart so if somebody insult you or has a bad impression on you you don't have to take it to heart you don't have to let it make an impact on your life
