Monday, October 27, 2014

Friday 10/31/14 Happy Halloween! Share your favorite story

For today's post, share your favorite Halloween memory.  Maybe it is a certain costume that you had one year or a favorite place you went to get candy or anything else that you would like about past Halloween experiences.  

Make sure it remains appropriate for being posted online.  


  1. Favorite halloween memory has to be when i was a kid was when i was 16 and just spent the whole halloween with my friends and we just watch horror movies and ate fatty foods then the next day we had to go to play or something like that dont really remember it

  2. I haven't really had any especially memorable memories except for when I was younger and went trick or treating with my friends and an old lady shut the door in our faces and told us halloween was cancelled..not really a good memory.

  3. My favorite year was probably when I was around 6. I had a barney costume and I really liked it. I felt awesome and I also got alot of candy and so that made it better. And also when I had real fun during Halloween

  4. My favorite memory would probably be my 8th grade year with a bunch of boys and girls in my class we all paired up into teams of 4 and played tag within the town. Once someone was found we all met up and went off and hide again. After that we went to a friends house and watched scary movies till everyone went home.

  5. My favorite memory from Halloween is the time I went trick or treating an there was full sized candy bars and a pop at this one house that we could take. I was astonished by how much candy they had.

  6. I don't really remember anything from halloween, but one time we were trick-or-treating and we walked up to this house and the guy opened the door and said we don't celebrate halloween here and slammed the door.

  7. I think the most memorable moment I have my sister and I went trick-or-treating and we just moved into town and my sister slept in the truck all night so I had to go get all her candy for her

  8. i can remember when i bought a $400 costume for my sixth grade year, i had to have someone hold my had when we went through the high school because i couldn't see out of the costume that well..

  9. My favorite halloween memory is scaring my little brother with ketchup and a fake thumb.

  10. my favorite halloween memory is probably trick or treating in elementary school with friends

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. My favorite memory is going to my grandmas graveyard every year.
